Back in the saddle

I’ve been MIA this summer due to vacations, business trips, and baseball. School has started and I completed my last long trip until Fall Break. This means I get to resume some normal activities and get back to work on my Project Life album.

I am still learning, but I learned a lot about myself. I love taking a picture every day. I may miss a day here and there, but I love recording my life through pictures. I love pictures because they are the visual evidence of my memories. They help me remember people, places, moments, and feelings.

I am still journaling every day through Oh Life! If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it. I continue using my Erin Condren Life Planner and I already have my planner for next year. Between my Oh Life! entries and my planner entries, I have everything I need to journal in my Project Life album. Why is this so important? Journaling has always been my hang-up when scrapbooking. This way it is done every day and it helps me remember the themes of our lives.

Something else that has changed this year, pictures of me. I don’t like pictures of me (I am my own worst critic). When scrapbooking trips and events and I wasn’t present, that was a problem. If I am going through the process of preserving my family’s memories, I should be visible. I want my son to remember what I looked like, even if I do not fall into the American ideal of beauty.

I watched Becky Higgins Project Life series on Creative Live. I have to say it is worth every penny. I’ve tried a few storage methods, but I haven’t found the one that works for me. I tried putting all my cards in my Raskog cart, but I quickly ran out of space. I tried keeping all my kits in their boxes, which was great when I worked on my album on the go. I want the best of both worlds. I want to have all my cards together, regardless of kit. I want to be able to take my cards on the road if I want to work on my album. I want to travel with my Project Life supplies in one bag, no more. If it takes more than one bag, then I’ve lost the simplicity of the system.

So my new method is to containerize all my Project Life cards in like containers. The duplicates of cards will be placed in another container for when I travel with my supplies. I will update further with pictures and evaluation of the new process. I will also include photos.

What I love about Project Life, I was able to work on my album at a small round table at Starbucks while waiting for the boys. I was able to record memories in a simple, beautiful format. What is most important is that it is done and I love the result. I can now show this album to my husband and son and they can see what we have done this year!