iPhone 6 Review

It might seem weird to write a tech review on a blog that talks about work, home life, organization, and Project Life. Considering I use my phone in all aspects of my life, it seems weird to me not to do a review.

I anxiously awaited the Keynote announcement September 9th, the announcement of the new iPhones. I was particularly anxious for this announcement because I was due for a new phone. So I watched the announcement the best I could due to the overwhelming demand to see the live stream of the event. Both new iPhones were presented, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. I was in love from the beginning, but I had a difficult decision to make, which one.

So before I share my decision, I will give you a little bit of my technology background. In college I borrowed computers from friends or I went to the computer lab. When I didn’t know how to do something, I would call Jeremy. Well, sometime in the last 15+ years, I learned a lot more about technology. I do not know how to program, and I don’t care about the insides of a product, beyond what does it mean to me, the user. I am quite tech savy now and my “toys” allow me to have fun while staying organized. Now, a smartphone for life organization is only a good system if you use it. This isn’t any different than any system you may choose.

I knew I wanted to 128GB gold, I just didn’t know which size. I decided on the iPhone 6 Plus. I was nervous about this decision and I had already decided I would give it to my son in a year if I really didn’t like it. Why did I choose the Plus? I chose the Plus because of the features it offered and how I use my phone.

Whenever purchasing a device it is important to know how you will use that device. I use my phone as a hot spot, camera, music player, radio, and texting more than anything else. I have a DSLR to take pictures of sporting events or landscapes while traveling. I have an iPad mini that I used to replace my Kindle fire. I use it mainly as a e-reader and light media. I also have an iPad Air that I use for work when I’m on call, reading magazines, and as a laptop when I travel. I could have just one device, but I’m lucky that my husband is supportive of my toys.

I chose the iPhone 6 Plus because of the optical stabilization, larger screen, and battery life. I used foam core and cut out templates of both phones so I would have a realistic idea of the size. I took them to work to see if they would fit in my lab coat. I put them in my purses and wristlets. I tried them in my pants pockets. I held them in my hand to see how it would feel to use the device.

Although I was still very nervous about the size, I got up at 2:45am September 9th to preorder my phone. This was a preorder nightmare, but I was finally able to get an order confirmation at 3:45am. Well, several days later and I still didn’t have a shipping confirmation. Finally on September 16th, I got a text message stating my order was processed and my phone would be delivered in November. WHAT?!! If I ordered the phone today, I could get it in 3-4 weeks. I made many calls to AT&T and I spoke with many departments, yet no one could help me.

After I got off work on Friday, I went to my local AT&T store. Now after my horrible preorder experience, I was considering switching to Verizon, even though AT&T met my needs for work better. My local AT&T store was wonderful. After spending some time there and comparing the real life size of the phones, I cancelled my preorder for my Plus and purchased the iPhone 6.

I have lived with my iPhone for the last three days and I’ve done all the activities I normally do. Even though the phone is definitely larger than my iPhone 5, it isn’t obtrusive. I love the size of the screen, I love the camera, I love the touch ID, and I love iOS8. The bands look a little weird on the back, but not a big deal since I keep a case on my phone. The screen and curves are amazing. The gold is beautiful. It is a classy gold, not that hideous, gaudy gold. It has taken three days, but I am now used to the power button on the side, and I think I like it better. Some people complain about the thinness and lightness of the phone, I love it!! I don’t want a big, bulky phone. People complain it doesn’t have a SD slot. I don’t need one, I have 128GB of memory. People complain that the camera is only 8MP. Anyone that knows anything about photos know that mega pixels are only part of the story. The lens and processor are more important. It isn’t customizable. I’m baffled by this one. I like my screen neat and orderly. I actually like the native apps. What do I need to customize? I customize my case, screen, ring tone, and placement of apps. What am I missing?

Beyond that, it is an iPhone. I’ve loved all my iPhones and I am definitely a fan of all things Apple. I am an Apple fan girl because I think they make the best hardware and software. I love that Apple continues to support their older devices when they upgrade their operating system. I like the fact I can pick up anyone’s iPhone and help them with their issue. I like the fact Apple has designed their software so well, you do not need to read the instruction manual to use their product, whether it is an iMac or iPhone.

I see people very passionate about Apple vs. Android. I am passionate about Apple (for me). For my work life and home life, Apple’s products has made life easier, because everything just works. I don’t have to program it to work, Apple’s programers did that for me. Otherwise, I don’t really care what you choose. My only request is to know what you need the device to do and use that to guide your decision. If advertising, price, or label dictates your choice, then you are at high risk to be disappointed.